جمال عبد الناصر [al-Nāṣir, Jamāl Abd/Gamal Abdel Nasser]: مجموعة خطب وتصريحات وبيانات الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر. فبراىر ١٩٥٨ـ يونيو ١٩٦٦ [Majmūʻat khuṭab wa-taṣrīḥāt wa-bayānāt al-raʼīs Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir (Gamal Abdel Nasser). Fibrāyir 1958- Yūniyū 1966 = Collected Speeches, Statements and Announcements of Jamāl Abd al-Nāṣir. February 1958-June 1966] (1-3)
القاهرة, مصلحة الاستعلامات [Cairo, Maṣlaḥat al-Istiʻlāmāt]. Vol. 1-2 are without year of publication (1960s?), vol. 3 is printed in 1967. (2)+722+(23)+(12)+678+(12)+(2)+625 pages. Printed wrappers, three volumes. A bit rubbed with tears, creases, brown stains and slight loss of paper on the wrappers. Strokes with ballpoint pen on the back-wrapper of vol. 1. Contents are in good condition. In Arabic only.
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika
Pris: 900 kr
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If you have any questions concerning this book, please send a message to: eoantikvariat@gmail.com, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.